Social Programme
Monday, June 23 – 18:15
Icebreaker reception – University of Neuchâtel
Wether you are just arriving or finishing a day of tutorials, join us for a welcome drink to relax and catch up with colleagues.
Wednesday, June 25 - 18:00
Conference Banquet – Patinoire du Littoral Neuchâtel
After 2 full days of intense collaboration and conference rooms, it's time to unwind and relax over a nice meal. Student and EFTF awards will be presented during the banquet as well.
The "Patinoire" is located just 3-4 minute walk from the main EFTF venue at the University of Neuchâtel (map).
Friday, June 27
You must register in advance for these post-conference events.
International Watch Museum visit – La Chaux-de-Fonds (link, in French only)
- 9h15 – Departure from Neuchâtel
- Visit duration: 1h30
- Back to Neuchâtel at 12:15-12:30.
Cost: CHF 30.- (includes transportation by bus, museum entrance and guided visit in English).
Max. participants: 100
To reserve a place, please send an email to:
Laboratory Tours
- 09h00-10h30, CSEM T&F labs
- 10h30-12h00, CSEM T&F labs
- 14h00-15h30, Spectratime or CSEM T&F labs or LTF-UniNe
- 16h00-17h30, Spectratime or CSEM T&F labs or LTF-UniNe
Max. participants: 20 per group
A sign-up sheet will be available at the EFTF registration desk. Please note that for the laboratory tours there is a limit of 20 persons per group (first-come, first-served).
» To see the precise location of the Friday tours, please refer to this map
Interested in watching the World Cup after a long day in the conference room? Of course you are !!!
Good news... just a few minutes walk from the EFTF main venue is the Maladière Stadium, where many of the matches will be broadcast live on the big screen !!
» Entrance is FREE, with a paying food and drink bar. Doors open at 17h00.
» For a complete schedule, download a pdf flyer here.
» More infomation can be found here (in French, only).
» The Facebook page of the event is here.